Q: On a private network-environment, what relation exists between a Super Node and a FullNode? Is it preferred to deploy a Super Node over a FullNode? A: A: On a private deployment, you will need at least one Super Node, no minimum requirements for FullNode.
Q: As user voting determines Super Node selection in private networks, do I need to submit any application materials to the TRON foundation to be approved as a Super Node? A: You don’ t need to submit material to TRON Foundation.
Q: Why is data in private environments continuously synchronized and why is the journal still continuously updated to all other nodes? What is the difference between a private and a public environment then? A: If this is related to the IP list-> A: On config.conf you need to update the seed.ip, if you use the same of the public network, and your computer is connected to the internet, it will attempt to connect to those nodes and the IP list will be saved in the DB, even if the connection fails. If this is related to the Block and transactions -> A: On a private environment, you need to change p2p version and parent hash. If you use the same mainnet or testnet, and your computer is connected to the internet, your node will synchronize with public network.